Rocket related news - Missile hits plane in Iraq

Missile hits plane in Iraq

Also on Saturday morning, a DHL courier plane safely landed at Baghdad International Airport after a heat-seeking, surface-to-air missile hit one of its engines, according to military sources at the airport. No one was injured.

The aircraft had just taken off when it was hit by the SAM-7, sources said. One of the engines was set on fire, which was extinguished after the plane landed, the sources said.

Missiles have been fired several times at planes approaching the airport, Arraf said but Saturday's incident was the first time a fixed-wing aircraft had been hit

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BrundlFly wrote in news:Xns943B69C9DB9CBtheflysomecom@

And once again it must be asked, why would terrorists resort to hobby rockets when they can get these?

The 9K32M Strela-2 (SA-7 Grail) Surface to air missile info

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If you can locate someone still selling,...

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Joel. phx

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Joel Corwith

BrundlFly wrote in news:Xns943B6D1542EE4theflysomecom@

Why would Palestinian terrorists make their own Qassam rockets when they can get better ones on the arms markets? But,they still do make them.

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Jim Yanik

Short of cash and time on their hands? :-)

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Chuck Rudy

Simple - the Israelis aren't stupid. If you have a choice between getting shot at with a Qassam rocket and getting shot at with something that's not a toy, which would you choose?

I bet Mossad is actively promoting the use of Qassam rockets by the Palestinians.

Heck, they'd probably promote Red Rider BB gun use by the Palestinians if the Palestinians were stupid enough to fall for it. Think of all the blind Palestinians running around the month after Ramadan....


Y'know, here's a great way to assassinate Yassar Arafat. Send the dude a notice that he won a contest, and then ship him a leg lamp. I bet you his wife whacks him some night while he's sleeping. After she breaks the lamp accidentally, of course.

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I seem to recall this happening somewhere.........Bumkis' dogs had a hand in the outcome.......Yassar's wife would shoot her eye out

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Chuck Rudy

I know I'm going to sound like an idiot for asking... but what's a leg lamp?

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Len Lekx

But they don't shoot down planes with them. They don't even try, because they know it wouldn't work.

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I was wondering too:

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Darren J Longhorn

Ok. Picture a lamp. Now, instead of the stick that holds the light bulb and lamp shade up, picture a leg. A woman's leg, with fishnet stockings, lit from the inside.

Finally, go out and rent A Christmas Story. Or wait for TNT to play it

24 hours a day.

Or, as my wife suggests, if you want to know about leg lamps, go to

In this case, it turns into

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It's amazing how often that works. Yes, sometimes you have to check the plural form.


I'd get my brother-in-law-in-law one of those for Christmas, but when the party's at his house, his wife bakes me a dessert using Splenda artificial sweetner. I know better than to irritate my sister-in-law, no matter how funny it might be.

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Alex Mericas

I have a proposal that would make a lot of money for the Palestinians.

Open up a resort. Every once in a while, a Qassam missile will be fired randomly at the resort.

As Microsoft would say, this isn't a bug, it's a feature. Sell this as an "extreme adventure" vacation spot. Charge lots of money. No kids - another big resort selling point. Guests would, of course, have to sign waivers. Since this would technically be in a war zone, I doubt regular insurance would cover it. The resort would have to sell it's own insurance. Ca-Ching!

Everybody wins. The Palestinians will be too busy spending their new fortune to worry about the Israelis. Hell, have the Israelis open up a competing vacation spot, and keep score. I bet Fox would pick up the television rights - and pay beaucoup bucks for it. Americans would be happy, as they now have a new world-class vacation spot. Al Qaeda would be happy - even the Israelis are trying to kill Americans. Think of the product tie-ins. Target - the official store of the Palestinian-Israeli War Zone Resort.

We're not talking major danger. I bet I can find roads in the USA that would have a higher yearly fatality rate.

Ok, so maybe the Irish won't be happy. Serves them right for stopping their bloody, senseless conflict. Morons.

You know the worst thing about this idea? It's sick, even by my standards, yet someone's going to do it, make a truckload of money, and my wife is going to slap me upside the head for not patenting the idea.


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Point :)

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Jerry Irvine

How many terrorists are killed each year in the making of Qassam Missiles?


Reply to
Alan Jones

not enough.

Joel. phx

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Joel Corwith

Alex Mericas wrote in news:bptg3d$jfo$

Well,what do you think is going on over there? It's certainly not conventional warfare.

(And yet,however ineffective militarily,those Qassam rockets still are being made and USED.)

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Jim Yanik

zoot wrote in news:

You know,I suspect the Israelis don't think of the Qassam rockets as trivial,or any joke. Especially when they are fired against residential areas and schools.

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Jim Yanik

Yeah, but if they had a choice between a Qassam and the terrorists getting something that's both cheaper and more effective, which do you think the Israelis would choose?

How many Israelis have been killed by Qassam rockets? How many non-terrorist Palestinians (screw the terrorists - they get what they deserve) have the Israelis have killed with their missiles? The Israelis fire off the professional-grade stuff.

The idea that our toy rockets could pose any significant threat is laughable.

There was just a news report about how the local chemical plants are totally unprotected. If someone wanted to cause a mess, no one would try to stop them at the plant.

Then there's the nuclear power plants in PA. Sure, the reactors can probably take a direct hit from a commercial aircraft. How many years have we told the power plants to store radioactive waste on-site? What do you think that waste is stored in, and how well would it do against an airplane?

But no, the BATFE has to worry about toys. Maybe they'll go after Barbie dolls next. I imagine you could set them on fire and use them as a weapon of terror.


My 9 year old niece is going to kick my butt when the BATFE comes to confiscate her Barbies. She especially likes the WNBA Barbie I got her.

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